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Thursday, January 1, 2009

My new year resolutions

Hey... so, finally we are in 2009!

The new year has arrived and guess what! For the first time in my history of existence, I have decided to go for New Year Resolutions.

And here are they:

  1. Promise everyone with a small 'conditions apply' tag.
  2. Stay away from girls and dogs. Both bite and bite hard! It hurts! oooh!
  3. Laugh often and never cry.
  4. Make friendships only with boys (in a strictly non-pervert and innocent sense, NOT what you think, you *****!)
  5. Feign to be intelligent.
  6. Whenever in trouble, speak the truth.
  7. Whenever not in trouble, also speak the truth. Oh! both sound so similar, isn't it?
  8. Research on how to increase the limits of blogger, so that I may never have to switch to another account and am able to write 90 years of blah blah blah.
  9. Make money out of everything! Am short of cash! Seriously!

Aaahhh... so hopefully that's it and all!

PS. All in a strictly humorous sense!

Image source: http://www.cyarena.com/


Anonymous said...

Chichi.. Happy New Year .. I seriously doubt you after reading that You will do friendship only with Boys ..But I have a serious concern ..Your statement "Stay away from girls and dogs" is totally uncalled. Do you understand how bad doys will feel when they come to know about it ..They will say that we are known to be loyal and chichi compared us with girls ..Not fair chichi .. Please say Sorry to dogs and you should respect their feelings .. Just because they can't complain you shouldnot make fun of them .. Abhay (abhay030184@gmail.com)

Chiranjib Mazumdar said...

Ya Abhay...
I should not have said like that..
I am very sorry indeed...

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