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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Object of imagination

I was sitting idle in the evening today, when I thought about creating this with Windows paint. As you know, the idle brain is a devil's workshop... :)


Varun said...

Awesome! This gives me an idea... Let me tag you with a tag that I have yet to complete :)

I'll give you 5 words. All you have to do is to use MS Paint and depict those words graphically. Free hand/mouse drawing :)

Here are your words;

Mumbai, Satyam, Blog, Friend, Movies

vimmuuu said...

it looks like the ring from the Lord of the Rings!!!

Nice work !

Chiranjib Mazumdar said...


Thanks for tagging Varun! :)
The task at hand is definitely difficult for me, but I would give it a try, surely... :D


Thank you so much :D

Anonymous said...

Interesting.. very interesting... opens up a whole new realm of thoughts.. :D

Chiranjib Mazumdar said...


Thank God that you found it interesting... :D